Saturday, June 04, 2005

Mmmm... Nuggs

I just discovered Picasa and Hello from Picasa. Call me a nerd, but I looove putzing with stuff like this. Sam and Kara, I hope that you don't mind being featured as my test picture. :) This was taken at work. Sam eats many-month-old chicken nuggets that are left over from the "free family dinner" portion of the events we run in our partner schools. (because he's broke and spends all his money on records) Kara looks on in envy of the nuggs. Posted by Hello


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please let me say, for the record, that that is NOT a look of envy on my face, but rather a disgusted sort of amusement at Sam's eating habits...

Monday, June 06, 2005 10:14:00 AM  

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