Sunday, May 29, 2005

Note to self...

Things NOT to do when you're having a crappy, lonely weekend studying:

1. Listen to your Coldplay, Damien Rice, Elliot Smith, and Nick Drake playlist. While these seem like great choices for chill background music that won't distract you from your work, you are sorely mistaken. I like their music, but these artists could make someone who's carefree, skipping and laughing want to stop and just end it all right there. Right. I'm exaggerating. But you get the idea. They're good, but kind of depressing.

2. Break for a haircut at your local Hair Cuttery. I've had three experiences with this chain, and yesterday's was my last. Mark my words! (This is the second time I've said that, as some of you know, but I MEAN it this time!) The first haircut I got there was great. It was in Bethesda. The second was in Dupont Circle. She didn't even wet my hair when I asked her to. She cut it dry and did an awful, crooked, painful job as she tore through massive snarls with a fine-toothed comb. I was lured back to the Cuttery by a metro ad. I was a victim of great marketing. Blast! The ad featured a cute girl with a great haircut and white block letters across the bottom that read "fourteen dollars." Ah! Sweet affordability! The wallet of a volunteer is no match for your lure. I wanted to believe that the Cuttery had it in them to redeem their reputation. Just one good stylist. That's all I needed. Like that one in Bethesda. Except Bethesda is quite a trek from here, so I'll go to the one in College Park. Bad bad bad idea. The language barrier presented itself immediately as she hurriedly motioned me to take a seat in her chair. "What you want?" she asked. I explained. She nodded quickly as she stared across the room and pulled at my hair, "uh-huh, uh-huh." I was not convinced that she was listening. No one cares about all the gory details, but it ended in a bad cut. All one length when I asked for more layers. Shorter than requested. Floor covered in hair that was once my own. (Cue dramatic music.) Anyway, I got a bad haircut, and that sucks, but I'm over it. I'll just continue tying it back every day as I have been for the past year. :) Voila!

3. Engage in email fights with your boyfriend because he is phoneless for a week while he switches providers and you're both under a lot of stress. The only thing that sucks worse than unnecessarily fighting with your boyfriend because you're both too stressed out to be reasonable is doing so over EMAIL. Not advisable.

ps. The ice cream truck is playing the 'Fur Elise' and 'Morning Has Broken' today. Crazy truck.


Blogger Zimmy said...

Jenny, we missed you this weekend! It just wasn't the same without you there. You had better kick that test's butt at the end of the month!

Monday, May 30, 2005 8:28:00 PM  
Blogger aaron said...

One other thing to do is to buy Nitin lots of presents all of the time and to take his roommates out for lactose-free ice cream!

Thursday, June 02, 2005 4:05:00 PM  
Blogger notawidget said...

Great idea, Aaron. The fulltime volunteer/soon-to-be-teacher should buy things for the two consultants and the I-banker.
Right. :)
And lactose-free?! PANSY!
Hehehe.... just kidding. Welcome to my blog, and thanks for commenting. :)

Friday, June 03, 2005 7:59:00 PM  

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